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Open Access
The life and acts of the Most Reverend Father in God : John Whitgift, D.D. the third and last Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth; Who, under Her Majesty, in that Station, Governed the Church of England for the Space of Twenty Years. Wherein Is Interwoven much of the History of the Affairs of this Church; viz. Nominations and Consecrations of Bishops; Bills and Petitions in Parliament about. Religion, and for Reformation of Corruptions and Abuses in the Church; Transactions in Convocations, and Ecclesiastical Commissions; the Diligence of Popish Priests and Jesuits; Methods for the Restraint of them; The Endeavours of those they called Puritans, to set up a New Church-Discipline; and the Prosecution of some of them; Notices of the first Separatists; Visitations of Dioceses, and the State of them; Matters of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Courts; Occurrences in the Universities, and Observations upon divers Heads and Members thereof; Accounts of Prelates, and other Learned Clergymen and Writers in those Times; Books and Writings of Note; Some further Discovery and Account (besides what hath been Printed) of that Memorable Conference at Hampton-Court before King James the First, with the Issue thereof, and the Effects it produced. The Whole Digested, Compiled and Attested from Records, Registers, Original Letters, and other Authentick Mss. taken from the Choicest Libraries and Collections of the Kingdom. In four books. Together with a large appendix of the said papers, to the Number of Cxxix. By John Strype, M. A. the Author of the Lives of the Three former Protestant Archbishops [Elektronische Ressource]
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Open Access
Annals of the Reformation and establishment of religion : and other various occurences in the Church and State of England, from the Accession of Queen Elizabeth to the Crown, Anno 1558. to the Commencement of the Reign of King James I. Wherein Account is given of the Restoring of Religion from its Corruptions introduced under Queen Mary; of filling the Sees with Protestant Bishops; their Government of and Inspection into their respective Dioceses, as Matters requiring their Care fell out each Year; Ecclesiastical Commissions; of the famous Synod assembled in the Year MDLXII. and the Proceedings of, and Speeches in the several Parliaments and Convocations within that Period; the busy Actings of Papists and Puritans; and of the first Appearances of the Dissention from the Church Established. The Difficulties and Dangers which the State, as well as the Church, met with from Time to Time, occasioned chiefly from the Endeavours to overthrow both, by the Power and Practices of such as favoured Mary Queen of Scots, of whom many special Transactions, and chiefly of her Sentence and Death, and the Consequences thereof, are shewn; and the Spanish Invasion in 1588. serving to enlighten those great Crises of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. Interspersed With Divers other Political Affairs of Note. This History is also improv'd, by Notices given of the State and Events of the Church of Ireland; Occurrences and Differences that fell out in our Universities; Remarks of many Persons of Rank and Quality in Church and State; Books of Learning and Note, Libels, Pamphlets, &c. publish'd yearly; collected diligently and faithfully from Records, Papers of State, original Letters of Privy Counsellors, Ambassadors, Bishops, learned Men in the Universities, and elsewhere, and from other choice Mss. reserv'd in our publick Libraries, or more private Archives. Together, with an appendix, containing many Hundred of scarce Records, and Papers of Value, trans++ [Elektronische Ressource]
The third edition, with large additions, both in the history and appendix, 1735
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Open Access
Proposals for printing by subscription annals of the reformation and establihment [sic] of religion; and other various occurrences in the Church of England : In two volumes. During the first twenty three years of Queen Elizabeth's reign. In which period of time there is little of the ecclesiastical history of this nation extant. Wherein accounts are given of our bishops from year to year; and of their cares and diligence in the government of their several sees: and the difficulties and discouragements they often met with in the discharge thereof: the oppositions and endeavours of the Romanists, and other disaffected parties and factions, to undermine the church and its constitution: and what courses were taken with them from time to time; for the safety of the Queen, and the preservation of the church established. Also, what was done in Parliaments, (chiefly with respect to religion) convocations, ecclesiastical commissions, and episcopal visitations. Together with various other matters intermixed, relating to the state of learning in the universities, and to civil and political affairs of remarks; falling with in the aforesaid compass of years; serving to rectify mistakes, and to supply many deficiencies in our histories. Finally, what books of note were published yearly, with some accounts of them. Chiefly collected from original, viz. Papers of state, letters, records, registers, and other authentick Mss. preserved in the publck, as well as private archives, and libraries in this kingdom. With an appendix of near an hundred of those originals, examplisied at length; referred in the foregoing history. By John Strype, M.A [Elektronische Ressource]
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Open Access
Annals of the Reformation and establishment of religion : in the Church of England. Containing Accounts of the Government and Inspection of the Bishops in their respective Diocesses; as Matters, requiring their Care, fell out each Year: Ecclesiastical Commissions. The busy Actings of Papists and Puritans: The Difficulties and Dangers the State as well as the Church met with, from Time to Time; occasioned chiefly from the Endeavours to overthrow both, by the Power and Practices of such as favoured Mary Queen of Scots: Of whom many Special Transactions; and chiefly of her Sentence and Death, and the Consequences thereof, are shewn: And the Spanish Invasion in 1588. Both serving to enlighten those Two Great crises of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. Together with Divers other Political affairs of Note interspersed. This History is also improved by Notices given concerning the State and Events of the Church of Ireland; Occurrences and Differences that fell out in our Universities; Remarks of many Persons of Rank and Quality in Church and State; Books of Learning and Note, Libels, Pamphlets, &c. published yearly: All commencing from the Year of our Lord MDLXXXI. and so continued for divers Years. Collected diligently and faithfully from Records, Papers of State, Original Letters of Privy-Counsellors, Ambassadors, Bishops, Learned Men in the Universities, as elsewhere: And from other choice Manuscripts, reserved in our publick Libraries, or more private Archives. Together with an appendix, Containing Many choice Records, and Papers of Value; transcribed from Originals: Referred to in the Work; in order to the Vindication, Proof, and Illustration of the foregoing history. by John Strype, M.A. Vol. III [Elektronische Ressource]
The second edition, 1737
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Open Access
The life and acts of Matthew Parker : the first Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Under whose Primacy and Influence the Reformation of Religion was happily Effected; And the Church of England Restored, and Established upon the Principles whereon it stands to this Day. Wherein are related the said Archbishop's actions in ecclesiastical commissions, and synods; His Visitations of the Dioceses, Colleges and Hospitals within his Province, with his Injunctions and Regulations: Characters and Accounts of Bishops by him Consecrated: His Endeavours for Uniformity: His Diligence in Retrieving, and Publishing many Saxon, and other Ancient Historical Mss. of this Nation: His Procuring a more correct Translation of the Holy Bible: His Government of his own Dioces of Canterbury: His sober Thoughts, Counsels and Cares for Religion and this Church: and many particulars of the ecclesiastical history of those times hitherto Unknown, or very Obscure, are discovered and brought to Light. Compiled Faithfully from Records, Registers, State-Papers, Orders of Council, Authentic Letters, and sundry other Original Mss. In four books. To which is added, an appendix, Containing various Transcripts of Records, Letters, Instruments, Ordinances, Commissions, Discourses, Relations, Intelligences, and other secret Papers, above an Hundred in Number; for the Asserting or Illustrating the foregoing History. Among which will be found the Latin Life of this Archbp. Entituled, Matthaeus, so much and so long wanted in the Editions of the British Antiquities. By John Strype, M.A [Elektronische Ressource]
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