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Autor(en) / Beteiligte
Encyclopedia of Prehistory : Volume 5: Middle America
Ort / Verlag
Boston, MA : Springer US
  • Central Coast Regional Chiefdoms -- subtraditions: Bah©Ưa -- Jama-Coaque -- Central Mexico Classic -- sites: Azcapotzalco -- Calpulapan -- Cerro Portezuelo -- Ching©ð -- Cholula -- Tepeapulco -- Valley of Morelos -- Central Mexico Postclassic -- subtraditions: Central and Northern Central Mexico -- Southern and Southeastern Central Mexico -- sites: Cacaxtla -- Cholula -- Malinalco -- Tenochtitlan-Tlatelolco -- Tula -- Xochicalco -- Chiriqu©Ư -- subtraditions: Chiriqu©Ư Panam©Ł -- Diqu©Ưs -- sites: Ca©ło island -- Curr©♭ -- Finca 6-4 -- La Pitahaya -- Las Secas -- Murci©♭lago -- Rivas -- Villalba -- Classic Maya -- sites: Calakmul -- Caracol -- Copan -- Dos Pilas and Aguateca -- Palenque -- Tikal -- Coahuilan -- sites: Cueva Encantada -- Frightful Cave -- Early Caribbean -- subtraditions: Cedrosan Saladoid -- Huecan Saladoid -- Ostionan Ostionoid -- Troumassoid Series -- sites: Coralie -- Golden Rock -- Diamant -- Hacienda Grande -- Ostiones -- Paquemar -- Sorc©
  • Early Chibcha 700 -- subtraditions: Cauca Valley -- Central Panama -- Eastern Honduras-Eastern Nicaragua -- sites: La Mula-Sarigua -- Monagrillo -- Mons©ð -- Sitio Conte -- Tronadora Vieja -- Early Mesoamerican Archaic -- subtraditions: Belize -- El Riego -- Infiernillo -- Santa Marta -- sites: Coxcatlan Rock Shelter -- Guil©Ł Naquitz Cave -- Purron Rock Shelter -- Romero Cave -- Early Highland Mesoamerican Preclassic -- subtraditions: Basin of Mexico -- South-Central Highlands -- Valley of Oaxaca -- sites: Chalcatzingo -- San Jos©♭ Mogote -- Teopantecuanitl©Łn -- Tlatilco -- Early Northwest South American Littoral -- subtraditions: Late Las Vegas -- San Jacinto -- sites: OGSE-80 -- San Jacinto 1 -- Ecuadorian Highlands -- subtraditions: Ca©łar/Azuay -- Carchi/Nari©ło -- Chimborazo/Bol©Ưvar -- Imbabura/Pichincha -- Loja -- Quijos -- sites: Cerro Narr©Ưo -- Chordeleg -- Cochasqu©Ư -- El Array©Ł -- Ingapirca -- Minda -- Miraflores -- San Sebasti©Łn -- Sant©ðs
  • Socapamba -- Gran Cocl©♭ -- Gulf Coast Classic -- subtraditions: North-Central Gulf Coast -- South-Central Gulf Coast -- Highland Mesoamerican Archaic -- Huatabampo -- Late Caribbean -- subtraditions: Arauquinoid -- Chican Ostionoid -- Dabajuroid -- Memoid -- Guayabitoid -- Suazoid -- Valencioid -- sites: Caguana -- Chacuey -- Villa Taina de Boqueron -- Late Chibcha -- subtraditions: Central Highlands of Costa Rica -- Dari©♭n -- Muisca -- sites: Aguacaliente -- Guayabo de Turrialba -- Late Highland Mesoamerican Preclassic -- subtraditions: Central -- Southern -- sites: Huamelulpan -- Monte Alban -- Monte Negro -- Teotihuacan -- Late Northwest South American Littoral -- subtraditions: Caribbean Archaic -- Early Colombian Ceramic -- Machalilla -- Valdivia -- Venezuelan Shell Midden Archaic -- sites: Funche Cave -- Guayana -- Jolly Beach -- La Emerenciana -- Las Varas -- Levisa I -- Loma Alta -- Mons©ð -- Puerto Chacho -- Puerto Hormiga -- Real Alto -- Lowland Mesoamerican Arch
  • subtraditions: Gulf Coast -- Northern Belize -- Pacific Coast -- sites: Colha -- Santa Luisa -- Tlacuachero -- Mante©ło -- subtraditions: Huancavilca -- Mante©ło del Norte -- Pun©Ł -- sites: Agua Bianca -- Cerro Jaboncillo and Cerro de Hojas -- Jocay -- La Libertad -- Loma de los Cangrejitos -- Los Frailes -- Slango -- Nicoya -- subtraditions: Nicoya Peninsula -- Rivas -- sites: Ayala -- Herramientas -- La Ceiba -- La Guinea -- La Pachota -- Las Huacas -- Las Marias -- Los Angeles -- Nacascolo -- Papagayo -- Tronadora Vieja -- Vidor -- Villa Tiscapa -- Olmec -- Paya -- Postclassic Maya -- Postclassic Southern Mexican Highlands -- subtraditions: Mixteca Alta Postclassic -- Valley of Oaxaca Postclassic -- sites: Cuilapan -- Macuilxochitl -- Mitla -- Yanhuitl©Łn -- Zaachila -- Preclassic Maya -- Southern Mexican Highlands Classic -- subtradition: Mixteca Alta -- site: Classic Period Monte Alb©Łn Site -- Trincheras -- West Mexico Classic -- West Mexico Postclassic --^
  • subtraditions: Highland Jalisco Lake District -- Highland Michoac©Łn -- Lowland Jalisco and Nayarit -- sites: Amapa -- Etzatla�́�n -- Huandacareo -- Ihuatzio -- Ixtlan del R©Ưo -- Tzintzuntzan
  • The Encyclopedia of Prehistory represents temporal dimension. Major traditions are an attempt to provide basic information also defined by a somewhat different set of on all archaeologically known cultures, sociocultural characteristics than are eth℗Ư covering the entire globe and the entire nological cultures. Major traditions are prehistory of humankind. It is designed as defined based on common subsistence a tool to assist in doing comparative practices, sociopolitical organization, and research on the peoples of the past. Most material industries, but language, ideology, of the entries are written by the world's and kinship ties play little or no part in foremost experts on the particular areas their definition because they are virtually and time periods. unrecoverable from archaeological con℗Ư The Encyclopedia is organized accord℗Ư texts. In contrast, language, ideology, and ing to major traditions. A major tradition kinship ties are central to defining ethno℗Ư is defined as a group of populations sharing logical cultures. similar subsistence practices, technology, There are three types of entries in the and forms of sociopolitical organization, Encyclopedia: the major tradition entry, which are spatially contiguous over a rela℗Ư the regional subtradition entry, and the tively large area and which endure tempo℗Ư site entry. Each contains different types of rally for a relatively long period. Minimal information, and each is intended to be areal coverage for a major tradition can used in a different way
ISBN: 9781461505259
Titel-ID: 990018722670106463
XXX, 462 p; online resource
Social sciences, Anthropology, Archaeology, Social Sciences