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Open Access
Pain's British Palladio : or, the builder's general assistant. Demonstrating in the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture, from the ground plan to the ornamental finish. Illustrated With Several New and Useful Designs of Houses, with their Plans, Elevations, and Sections. Also, Clear and Ample Instructions, annexed to each Subject, in Letter-Press; with a List of Prices for Materials and Labour, and Labour only. This Work will be universally useful to all Carpenters, Bricklayers, Masons, Joiners, Plaisterers, and others, concerned in the several Branches of Building, &c. comprehending the following Subjects, viz. Plans, Elevations, and Sections, of Gentlemen's Houses. Designs for Doors, Chimneys, and Ceilings, with their proper Embellishments, in the most modern Taste. A great Variety of Mouldings, for Base and Surbase Architraves, Imposts, Friezes, and Cornices, with their proper Ornaments, for Practice, drawn to Half-Size: To which are added, Scales for enlarging or lessening at Pleasure. Also, great Variety of Stair-Cases; shewing the practical Method of executing them, in any Case required, viz. Groins, Angle-Brackets, Circular Circular Flewing and Winding Soffits, Domes, Sky-Lights, &c. all made plain and easy to the meanest Capacity. The Proportion of Windows for the Light to Rooms. Preparing Foundations; the Proportion of Chimneys to Rooms, and Sections of Flews. The principal Timbers properly laid out, on each Plan, viz. the Manner of framing the Roofs, and finding the Length and Backing of Hips, either square or bevel. Scantlings of the Timbers, figured in Proportion to their Bearing. The Method for trussing Girders, Scarfing Plates, &c. And many other Articles, particularly useful to all Persons in the Building Profession. The whole correctly engraved on forty-two folio copper-plates, fro the original designs of William and James Pain [Elektronische Ressource]
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Open Access
The city and country purchaser's and builder's dictionary : or, the complete builder's guide. Containing An Explanation of all the Terms of Art used by Workmen; as also what is necessary to be known in the Art of Building, as well by Gentlemen, as Artificers of Every Denomination. In the following Useful Particulars, viz. The Qualities, Quantities, Proportions, and Value of all Materials used in Building. The best Method of preparing those Materials. The Methods of Measuring most Sorts of Artificers Work. The City and Country Prices of Workmanship. Aphorisms, or Rules necessary to be observed in Building, as to Situation, Contrivance, Compactness, Uniformity, Conveniency, Firmness, Form, &c. Estimates of the Expence of Building any Fabrick, great or small. Rules for the Valuation of Houses. Rules to be observed in Repairs, &c. The Propagation and Culture of such Trees, as are used in Building, and planted as well for Ornament as Profit, with the Soils and Management proper for each Species; and Rules for their Measuring, Felling, Sawing, &c. A brief and clear Description of the various Parts of Painting and Sculpture, and the several Arts depending on them. Including briefly the Theory and Practice of Architecture, in its different Branches. Very useful to Gentlemen, to Work-Masters and Work-Men, in the making of Bargains, Contracts or Computations, relating to any Part of Building, &c. Originally written and compiled by Richard Neve, Philomath [Elektronische Ressource]
The third edition, corrected and improved throughout, 1736
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Building design & construction
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Journal of architectural research
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Open Access
Palladio Londinensis : or, the London art of building. In three parts. I. Containing a demonstration of all the geometrical problems which are necessary to describe Squares, Circles, Ovals, Polygons, Arches, and Groins. The most approved Methods for Mensuration of Superficies and Solids, applied to the Measurement of all Sorts of Artificers Works concerned in Building. The Prices of the Labour and Materials of the several Kinds of Works performed by Diggers, Bricklayers, Masons, Carpenters, Joiners, Smiths, Plaisterers, Plumbers, Glasiers, Painters, and Paviours; with Directions for making an Estimate of the Expence of any Fabric, great or small. The Prices of all Sorts of Iron work; viz. Nails, and what each Sort ought to weigh. The Prices of Locks, Bolts, Hinges, Latches, &c. Axes, Hammers, Saws, Chizzles, Augers, &c. II. Containing plain and easy Directions for the Construction of the Five Orders of Architecture, with their several Pedestals, Columns, and Entablatures, accurately described; and a Parallel drawn between this and Mr. Gibbs's Method, and that of the Builder's Repository; shewing how the Orders are to be used over each other; with their Intercolumniations, &c. A large Variety of Frontispieces and Doors, suited to each Order; the Proportion of Windows, Piers for Gates, Obelisks, Block Cornices, with the Proportion of Rooms, Cieling-Pieces, Frets; also Chinese Lattice-Works for Pailings, Gates, Hatches, &c. An easy and entirely New Method of finding the exact Module or Diameter for the erecting Columns or Pilasters Three several Ways in a just Proportion. I. Arithmetically. 2. Geometrically, by Scale and Compass. 3. Inspectionally, by a Table; which shews, in Proportion to any Height given, the exact Diameter; also how to calculate the Diameter of the Orders, according to the Proportions laid down by Mr. Gibbs, or any other Author. And also the Method of Reducing any Module++ [Elektronische Ressource]
The seventh edition. With great alterations and improvements, by E. Hoppus, 1767
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Open Access
A key to civil architecture : or, the universal British builder. Containing the principles and properties of building clearly demonstrated, with Illustrations and Definitions, both Theoretical and Practical; and a Dissertation on the Sciences appertaining thereto, as well as the Kindred Requisites of Strength, Convenience, Propriety and Beauty. Also a strict enquiry into the present manner of building and Mode of Finishing, and how far the Taste is consistent with Symmetry and found Reason: Likewise A New Criterion, or Universal Estimator; In which are considered the Quantity and Quality of Materials adequate to the Execution of any Building; their exact Value wherever appropriated; the real and universal Price assigned, proved by the Labour which is required to every Job; and practical Remarks on all the different Branches of a Building, especially on Joiners Works; where the most irksome and difficult Parts are considered and reduced to familiar Practice, by the most judicious and approved Methods. The Principles, Properties, and Consequence of all Sorts of Stairs defined, both with respect to Plans and Execution, as well as the Manner of gluing up all Kinds of Hand-Rails. The Manner and Method of measuring the different Artificers Works, as practised by the most eminent Surveyors, with their Prices to each Work. - Also, the Masters Prices, and a Schedule of Prices for Task-Masters. To which is added, A treatise of arithmetick, Extraction of the Roots, Duodecimals, Mensuration of Superficies and Solids, round and square Timber, &c. with Explanations and Reasons for the Rules. The second edition, corrected, with the addition of two useful plates on the construction of stair cases. By Thomas Skaife, P.A [Elektronische Ressource]
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